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18 Sep 2024
Best Performance Bank KBMI II Category

CCB Indonesia received "Best Performance Bank KBMI II category" award from Bisnis Indonesia Daily on 18 September 2024

29 Aug 2024
The Excellent Performance Bank in 2023 (KBMI 2)

CCB Indonesia received "The Excellent Performance Bank in 2023 (KBMI 2), from Infobank magazine on 29 August 2024.

31 Jul 2024
Indonesia Best Bank 2024

CCB Indonesia received "Indonesia Best Bank 2024¡± for Strategies Implementation through business development, category KBMI 2 Private Foreign Banks¡¯ from Warta Ekonomi magazine on 31 July 2024.

20 Jun 2024
Top Bank Award 2024

CCB Indonesia has received the "Top Bank Award 2024 for KBMI 2 category" from The Iconomic on June 20, 2024 in Jakarta.

5 Mar 2024
GCG Award 2024

CCB Indonesia has received the Award "Indonesia Excellence Good Corporate Governance Awards 2024 - GCG Innovation for Better Implementation in Business Ethics and Sustainability" from "Warta Ekonomi" magazine on 5 March 2024.

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General Provisions
  • Consumer is individual, corporation, or business entity whether in the form of legal entities or not, or other entity as owner and/or final user of products and/or services provided by the Bank for their own benefit and not for trading or forwarded to another organizer;
  • Consumer Representative is a party who acts for and on behalf of the Consumer based on a special power of attorney from the Consumer;
  • Complaints are divided ; Complaints Indicating Disputes and Complaints Indicating Violations;
  • Complaints Indicating Disputes are expressions of Consumer dissatisfaction caused by material, natural and direct losses and/or potential losses to Consumers because the Bank does not fulfill the agreed agreements and/or documents for product and/or service utilization.
  • Complaints Indicating Violations are the submission of information by Consumers and/or the public regarding indications of violations of statutory provisions in the financial services sector committed by the Bank
  • Dispute is a conflict between the Consumer and the Bank which has gone through the Complaint resolution process by the Bank.
  • Consumer complaints can be submitted at any Bank office and are not limited to the Bank office where the Consumer opened an account or made a transaction.
Basis for the Complaint
  • POJK No.1/POJK.07/2013 concerning Consumer Protection in the Financial Services Sector
  • POJK No. 18 /POJK.07/2018 concerning Consumer Complaint Services in the Financial Services Sector.
  • SE OJK No. 17 /SEOJK.07/2018 concerning Guidelines for Implementing Consumer Complaint Services in the Financial Services Sector.
  • POJK No. 22 of 2023 concerning Consumer and Community Protection in the Financial Services Sector.
  • PBI No. 3 of 2023 concerning Bank Indonesia Consumer Protection
  • PADG No.20 of 2023 concerning Procedures for Implementing Consumer Protection
Procedures for Consumer Complaint Services
Alternative Means of Complaints Resolution
In the event that there is no agreement regarding the results of the Complaint handling carried out by the Bank, the Consumer can;
  1. Submitting Complaints to Bank Indonesia or the Financial Services Authority for handling Complaints in accordance with authority; or
  2. b.Submit a dispute through the court or outside the court through the Alternative Dispute Resolution Institution (LAPS) in the Financial Services Sector.
  1. Handling of Consumer Complaints by BANK INDONESIA

    Consumers can submit complaints to Bank Indonesia with the following conditions:

    1. The Consumer has submitted a complaint to the Bank, but there is no agreement between the Consumer and the Bank;
    2. The problem being complained of is a civil cases that has never been processed by a court, institution or dispute resolution body, or other competent authority;
    3. Consumers experience potential financial losses of up to IDR 500,000,000 (five hundred million rupiah) incurred by Banks in the field of Payment Systems, Money Service Activity Organizers, and other parties regulated and supervised by Bank Indonesia;
    4. The complaint submitted should at least include the following documents:
      • Photocopy of proof of personal identity;
      • Photocopy of the complaint resolution letter provided by the Bank to the Consumer;
      • Photocopy of proof of transaction;
      • Photocopy of power of attorney, if authorized;
      • A sufficiently stamped statement stating that the problem being submitted is a civil matter that has never been processed by a court, institution or dispute resolution body, or other competent authority.
    5. Submission of complaints does not exceed 60 (sixty) working days from the date of delivery of written complaint resolution results from the Bank to consumers.

    Consumers can submit their complaints to Bank Indonesia through the following channels:

    1. Bank Indonesia Call Center (BI Talk) with telephone number: 131 (local credit) or 1500131 (overseas);
    2. Electronic mail or to : bicara@bi.go.id
    3. Chatbot LISA with number: 081 131 131 131
      1. a.Written letter:
        For consumers in the DKI Jakarta area, Bekasi Regency or City, Bogor Regency or City, Karawang Regency, and Depok City, you can submit this to:
        Bank Indonesia Representative Office DKI Jakarta Payment Systems Consumer Protection Division KPw DKI Learning Center Jl. Prajurit KKO Usman dan Harun No. 42 RT/RW : 01/05 Senen Central Jakarta 10410
      2. b.For consumers who are domiciled or residing outside the region referred to in letter a, submit it to the domestic Bank Indonesia representative office closest to the consumer's domicile or residence.
    4. Online complaint form on the official Bank Indonesia website via: www.bi.go.id

  2. Handling of Complaints by the OTORITAS JASA KEUANGAN

    Consumers can submit complaints that indicate disputes and complaints that indicate violations of the provisions of laws and regulations in the financial services sector to the Otoritas Jasa Keuangan.

    Providing facilities for resolving consumer complaints that indicate disputes with the following provisions:

    1. Consumers experience financial losses of up to IDR 500,000,000 (five hundred million rupiah)
    2. Consumers submit a written request accompanied by supporting documents related to the complaint
    3. The Bank has made efforts to resolve complaints but consumers cannot receive the resolution or the time limit has passed as stipulated in the Financial Services Authority regulations
    4. The complaint submitted is not a dispute that is currently in process or has ever been decided by an arbitration or judicial institution, or other mediation institution;
    5. The complaint submitted is civil in nature;
    6. The complaint submitted has never been facilitated by the Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, and
    7. g.Submission of complaint resolution does not exceed 60 (sixty) working days from the date the Bank delivers the Complaint resolution letter to the Consumer.

    Consumers can submit requests to the OJK for facilitation, through:
    1. Written letter to:
      Member of the OJK Board of Commissioners and Consumer Protection
      Radius Prawiro Tower Floor 2.
      Bank Indonesia Office Complex
      Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 2 Jakarta 10350
    2. Contact OJK service: 157
    3. Email : konsumen@ojk.go.id
    4. Whatsapp :081 157 157 157
    5. Online :sikapiuangmu.ojk.go.id
    6. Website-based system via the Consumer Protection Portal Application (APPK)


    In the event that there is no agreement regarding the results of the handling of complaints carried out by the Bank, consumers can submit a dispute outside the court through the Alternative Dispute Resolution Institution (LAPS) in the Financial Services Sector.

    Facilitation process for resolving consumer complaints through LAPS in the Financial Services Sector with the following criteria:

    1. The Bank has attempted to resolve the complaint but has been rejected by the Consumer or the Consumer has not received a Complaint Response as regulated in the OJK Regulations regarding Consumer complaint services;
    2. The dispute submitted is not a dispute that is currently in process or has been decided by a judicial institution, arbitration or other alternative dispute resolution institution; And
    3. Disputes are civil in nature.

    Complaints can be submitted by:
    • ï‚·Come directly to the LAPS Office, at the address;
      ï‚·Karya Tower Lt. 25, Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said, Block X-5, Kav. 1-2 South Jakarta 12950, or
    • By telephone: 021-2527700
    • Email :info@lapssjk.id
Publication of Complaint Handling
No. Type of Complaints Resolved On Process Not Resolved Total Complaint
Total Percentage Total Percentage Total Percentage
1 ATM/Debit Card 133 74,30% 1 0,56% - - 134
2 Deposito 1 0,55% - - - - 1
3 Electronic Banking 34 18,99% 1 0,56 - - 35
4 Kliring 1 0,55% - - - - 1
5 Credit 7 3,91% - - - - 7
6 Safe Deposit Box 1 0,56% - - - - 1
Total Total 177 98,88% 2 1,12% - - 179