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18 Sep 2024
Best Performance Bank KBMI II Category

CCB Indonesia received "Best Performance Bank KBMI II category" award from Bisnis Indonesia Daily on 18 September 2024

29 Aug 2024
The Excellent Performance Bank in 2023 (KBMI 2)

CCB Indonesia received "The Excellent Performance Bank in 2023 (KBMI 2), from Infobank magazine on 29 August 2024.

31 Jul 2024
Indonesia Best Bank 2024

CCB Indonesia received "Indonesia Best Bank 2024�� for Strategies Implementation through business development, category KBMI 2 Private Foreign Banks�� from Warta Ekonomi magazine on 31 July 2024.

20 Jun 2024
Top Bank Award 2024

CCB Indonesia has received the "Top Bank Award 2024 for KBMI 2 category" from The Iconomic on June 20, 2024 in Jakarta.

5 Mar 2024
GCG Award 2024

CCB Indonesia has received the Award "Indonesia Excellence Good Corporate Governance Awards 2024 - GCG Innovation for Better Implementation in Business Ethics and Sustainability" from "Warta Ekonomi" magazine on 5 March 2024.

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Prime Lending Rate


Rupiah Basic Credit Interest Rate (Prime Lending Rate)
PT Bank China Construction Bank Indonesia Tbk
28 February 2025
28 February 2025 Kredit Non UMKM Kredit UMKM Mortage Loan Non Mortage Loan
Corporate Retail Middle Small Micro
Cost of Funds for Loan (CoFfL) (%) 4,75% 4,65% 4,59% 4,67% 4,66% 4,61% 4,65%
Overhead Cost (%) 1,53% 1,72% 2,05% 2,15% 1,81% 1,87% 2,08%
Profit Margin (%) 1,59% 1,59% 1,59% 1,59% 1,59% 1,59% 1,59%
Prime Lending Rate (%) 7,86% 7,96% 8,23% 8,41% 8,06% 8,07% 8,32%

% per year

Category Credit Category Definition Indicators/Criteria of Credit Category
Corporate Corporate Banking Segment
  1. Business segmentation grouping applies to the new prosprective Debtors. For existing Debtors, it will continue to run in accordance with current conditions, this is considering the relationship that has been established between the Bank and the Debtors .
  2. Financing provided by the Bank to the prospretive Debtors in addition to bilateral financing may also in the form of Syndicated Financing or Club Deal.
  3. Prospective Debtors who are granted financing are business entities in the form of :
    1. The companies are an Indonesian legal entitiy (in this case subject to the laws of the State of Indonesia) and are not an individual.
    2. Companies that have controlling shareholders that originating from China or countries other than Indonesia (cross border country) .
      Notes : For provision no.1 point c.2 above, the financing may be processed without a credit limit as stipulated in provision no.1 point d below
Credit Limit :
  1. For bilateral financing, the credit limit given is > IDR 250 Bilion (greater than two hundred and fifty bilion rupiah) or equivalent per Debtor.
  2. For syndication financing scheme, the facility may be processed without minimum plafond with maximum up to Bank's Legal lending limit.
  3. The exceptions to the minimum credit limit in accordance with the provisions in point d.1 can be propose as per discussion and agreed with Commercial Division
Retail Commercial Segment
  1. Business Segmentation grouping applies to the new prospective Debtors. For existing Debtors, it will continue to run in accordance with current conditions, this is considering the relationship that has been established between the Bank and the Debtors .
  2. Financing provided by the Bank to the prospective Debtors are in the form of other tha Syndicated Financing or Club Deal.
  3. Prospective Debtors who are granted financing are :
    1. Individuals with Indonesian citizenship (WNI)
    2. Companies incorporated as an Indonesian legal entity (in this case subject to the laws of the State of Indonesia) that has controlling shareholders originating from Indonesia and are not companies whose controlling shareholders are from China (a astate own company or a private company from China) or countries other than Indonesia (cross-border country)
Credit Limit :
  1. The credit limit given is < IDR 250 billion (less than or equal to two hundred and fifty billion rupiah) or equivalent per Debtor .
  2. Any exception to the maximum credit limit in accordance with the provision in point d above, can be propose as per discussion and agreed with Corporate Banking division .
  3. For exisiting Debtors who apply for additional credit so that the total loan becomes > 250 billion (greater than two hundred and five billion rupiah recovered) or equivalent, the application for additional credit will still be processed in the Commercial credit segment .
  4. For existing Debtors whose total loans have decreased to < IDR 10 billion (less than or equal to ten billion rupia) and meet the criteria for the SME segment, then if deemed necessary, the Debtor can be transferred to the SME segment at any time .

Best regards,

PT Bank China Construction Bank Indonesia Tbk



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